Martine Phase 3


Just so we and everyone else are on the same page Martine was a french children’s picture book series that started in 1954 by artist Marcel Marlier paired up with poet and author Gilbert Delahaye. They produced at least 50- books. Martine was not Marlier’s only project with Casterman. Starting in 1969, he began both writing and illustrating his own series: Jean-Lou et Sophie in 1969. He died in 2011. These were very popular children’s books in Europe. You can check them out and read them on archive, which i need to do at some point to gain further inspiration and to truly see the originals in all their glory. I will try to keep the retro style of the series so its not fully modern….

Most recently, Martine became a Web meme when a program went online to modify the title of the text, for example to “Martine – first space cake”, “Martine – desperate housewife” and so on. Casterman did not feel the web site was in the spirit they envisioned for Martine and politely asked the site owners to take down their project and they obliged. You can find these parodies all over the net still.

Anyway for those who did not know, it was artist Tonkato many years ago, who revived the series and sexualized them in a series of similar art adaptions that you can find here. They are amazing although its important to remember the split in style and focus. The great news is while Tonkato could make great stories with continuous characters and text (something AI struggles with), AI can create them even more in style of the original artist, more detailed, and quicker so we can enjoy this art style for a third generation now.

I started with the 2 part Yuri Creek series

Followed by Dancing With Girls Part 1 +2.

I’ve got the two part Dancing With Boys that will continue our ballet series,

a 3 part single character focus with Yami where her diving into her new home’s boxes of clothing and toys unlocks her sexual exploits at home by herself and with friends.

Finally a series called Joining the Yacht Club where the town’s young girls will be joining the Yacht Club run by the wealthy and lecherous old men for a days of sea faring and rampant sex.

Those are all drafted, i just need to clean them up a day at a time. Even more stories i can dream up based on the Martine original series or other perverted thoughts to keep this series going. It shall be fun!